Saturday, June 30, 2012



Starving musician blues got you down? 
Go from shredding credit cards to ripping guitar solos 
with the Pickmaster Plectrum Punch!

Clever Pickmaster Plectrum Punch 
Turns Credit Cards Into Guitar Picks

Recycling expired credit cards, gift cards and membership cards can be difficult because they’re made from PVC*; you can’t just toss them into your recycling bin. 
 Instead of hoarding them, turn them into guitar picks. Simply pop an expired credit card into the machine, pull down the punch, and you’ll be riffing in no time.

*PVC = Polivinil klorida adalah polimer termoplastik urutan ketiga dalam hal jumlah pemakaian di dunia, setelah polietilena dan polipropilena. Di seluruh dunia, lebih dari 50% PVC yang diproduksi dipakai dalam konstruksi. Sebagai bahan bangunan, PVC relatif murah, tahan lama, dan mudah dirangkai. Daur ulang PVC saat ini tidaklah populer karena biaya untuk menghancurkan dan memproses kembali resin PVC lebih mahal dari pada membuat resin PVC dari bahan bakunya.

buy the clever pickmaster on:

MTV’s Green Picks Recycle Machine, 
was placed in nightclubs and bars across San Paulo. 
It’s easy to use: insert your card, pull the lever, 
and the machine punches out a guitar pick.

What a cool way to GO GREEN!