16 Signs of a Harsh Parenting
16 Signs of a Harsh Parenting

Too Strict For Your Own
heard the name Amy Chua? She is the
author of a book titled "The
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother". The book is quite astonishing
the world of parenting. In this book, she tells how to discipline her own
daughters in a very extreme way. Yelled at them with the word
"garbage" because they weren't polite in front of the guests, threw
birthday greeting cards handmade by her own daughters because it wasn't good
enough for her, forbade her children to stay at a friend's house, and couldn't
accept if their score wasn't an "A". She applies very strict rules
and regulates all things in children's lives. Other stories what she did with
his two daughters were pretty scary and made her earn the title as "tiger
kids really want to make their parents proud of them.
always worried about the parental approval.
when the regulations against child are getting too hard,
result is going to make the children so frightened
make them difficult to decide on something.
realize that they will never be able to meet the wishes of the mother,
they never even want to try. "
Elizabeth J. Short, PhD,
of psychology at Case Western Reserve University

Here are 16 signs of a harsh parenting on children:
1. There are so many rules, even too many!
many rules that you applied to a child?
many rules is a sign that the child's parents are too strict.
rules is good thing, but if too many rules and impose everything,
certainly not a good thing.
for doing some basic rules and cultivate a consistent basis,"
Nancy Darling, PhD
of psychology at Oberlin College
2. Exaggerated threat
that "I'll burn all your toys" or "Do you want to get expelled from the house?" wouldn't work. Because if the child says, "Yes!", then all the
parents could do is stepping back and reducing the threats. Empty threats like
that will make them to behave more naughty than before. When parents knew that
they made mistake and retreat, it's a problem, because the child wouldn't
believe any longer what his parents say.

3. The rules you made exceed the limit
can and should set rules that applies the child in school,
other people, and about maintaining the security of the child.
regarding safety and morals are things that can be done.
the rules regarding personal issues
of musical instruments to be played),
the right thing for the parents are taken care of, "
Nancy Darling, PhD
Of course it's not a simple matter of what is private and what concerns safety or morals. It's always been such a debate and perspective thing whether it's a moral-safety thing or it's a personal matter.
4. "Infinite love" (through words)
motivational words and conditional words instead of harsh words. "Mama
love you, and Mama wants you to behave....." or "Mama knew you
could do better than that" sounds better than "You are such a
trash, if you couldn't sit still!". It isn't just how you say it, but
what it said is also important. Despite setting a tone as smooth as anything,
the wording also had a big influence.

5. Not paying attention to children's
attention to what they said, please don't hurt or make the children feel
6. Never have time
you're asking a child to do something difficult, try to work with them rather
than act like dictator. One sign of supervised good parenting is to allow time
for the children and being there for them.
7. Always being a "police", "monitor", or "alarm reminder"
day, your tasks like reminder alarms,
it became the only communication with the child,
could be that you are one of the 'tiger mom',
who are too strict with their own rules,"
Ron Taffel, PhD,
psychologist at New York and author of Childhood Unbound
8. Not taken into account by the child
the relationship with the child feels more and more distant, he will no longer
want to talk to you, even for critical issues. It could be a sign, that you are
too tense to him.
can win the game, but lost in the wars.
managed to make your child do the rules,
they are so afraid of you, they do not dare to communicate with you."
Ron Taffel
9. Children don't want to invite friends to the house
want the rules, and all children will be attracted to the rules in the house,
if you spend the time to remind the child about the rules,
children in front of other children,
asking too many questions out of curiosity,
child will begin to cease to invite friends to the house .
means you are a parent that is too tight.
there is a friend who asked to play again children in your home,
dare to communicate with you, it means your home is very pleasant, "
Ron Taffel

10. The child is seen, but not heard
the 21st century, the children are already familiar with social networking,
from BlackBerry Messenger, Twitter, Facebook, and others. This is evidence that
children love to be heard. Parents that are too tight will not let his son
speak his mind. You do not have to always agree with his opinions, but let the
child express his thoughts.
11. Always working, studying, doing assignments, never played
need time to relax and have fun to absorb whatever they learned. If they
contain the ability, knowledge, and information that they couldn't use it in
daily life, their brains will end up like a sponge that absorbs knowledge
without digest it. Just because they are told to learn, it doesn't mean that
they could actually digest it. It's like eating without chewing the food.

12. The other parents don't do the
things that you do
no other parents doing the same thing like you do with your rules. For example:
you don't allow internet access to children. Too curious with other parents doing
with their children and always want to find out what they're doing with their
children, then comparing it to your own children could be also big

13. All prohibited
not to encourage anything to children, but also not prohibit them. For example,
"Mama doesn't want you to do this for some reason. But if you still do
it, due to Mama's concerns, I'll be watching you frequently."
14. Rules are rules, they shouldn't be questioned why
must always have clear rules, consistently, to create a kind of estimates,
expectations, but there is also space for a particular situation can only
damage the rule.

15. Being authoritarian, not
is a difference between being authoritarian and authoritative. Authoritative parents
prepare clear expectations and can be very hard on the children, but they also had
warmth and thought the best thing for the child. While the authoritarian parent
said, "My way or you go!" Authoritarian parent likes to
control and not very warm. Authoritative parents who know how to control
children according to age.

16. Cold as ice
cares if the parents are very firm so long as they are warm. Problem is when
the parent firm and cold". Well, if you do not want
to come in the category of "Tiger Mom", change the way to educate
your child and give space for children to develop to become themselves. Being
explicit, bold, firm and discipline are good, but still become a warm
personality for them and should not be authoritarian.
Kompas.com, 22nd
February 2011
This article should be seen like a reference.
Parenting is indeed one of the most toughest job in the world. There will be no
school, that teach how the best way of raising kids. How we should handle our
children, it depends on the situation and condition of environment and child's
personality, also which community that we're dealing with (country, school,
social-economy, government, etc.). Some way didn't work, some way did work for
others. But the bottom line is, it's important to always consider how we handle
our children wisely and not crossing the line, that leads to violence or trauma
(physical and psychological). That all we do is not just punishing them for
nothing. Make them understanding there's some rules in certain place, that need
to be followed. It's for child's sake - which is prepare them to face the real
world, solve the problems in their community, and represent themselves as one
human being. Don't win the game and lost in the wars! Kind of ironic, right?
Good luck!