
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


From An Economist's Point of View
by: Vicky Barham

I found some great article about make-up missed music lessons.
How, why, and when a music teacher and parents should act 
toward the missed music lesson.
This is how the music teacher supposed to be appreciated.
Music school and music studio policies are important.
As far as I want to apply this and make piano lesson as an important priority,
the fact is it will always take a backseat to school and other tuition subject classes. 

whether it's going to work in your studio or not,
it depends on the culture and how the community in the area,
and also how well you explain it to the parents.

Here's the article from Vicky Braham.
She teaches economics at her local university, and is the parent of music students.
She explains, from the business perspective,
why music teachers should not be under any obligation to find another spot 
during the week or to refund for missed lessons.

I'm a parent of children enrolled in Suzuki music lessons. I'd like to explain to other parents why I feel - quite strongly, actually - that it is unreasonable of we parents to expect our teachers to make up lessons we miss, even if I know as well as they do just how expensive lessons are, and, equally importantly, how important that weekly contact is with the teacher to keeping practicing ticking along smoothly. I think that it is natural for we parents to share the point of view that students should have their missed lessons rescheduled, but if we were to 'walk a mile' in our teachers' shoes, we might change our minds about what it is reasonable for us to expect of our teachers.

Like many parents, I pay in advance for lessons each term. In my mind, what this means is that I have reserved a regular spot in the busy schedules of my sons' teachers. I understand - fully - that if I can't make it to the lesson one week (perhaps my son is sick, or we are away on holiday, or there is some other major event at school) then we will pay for the lesson, but that my teacher is under no obligation to find another spot for me that week, or to refund me for the untaught lesson. And this is the way it should be.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"911 SCALES" Artikel Staccato April 2013

"911 SCALES"
oleh: Jelia Megawati Heru
Artikel Staccato (April 2013)


Dalam mempelajari musik, cepat atau lambat kita akan sampai kepada tema scales atau tangganada. Mempelajari scales atau tangganada merupakan hal yang sangat mengerikan dan menjadi momok bagi kebanyakan orang, dibandingkan dengan mempelajari elemen musik lainnya. 

Mengapa kita harus mempelajari tangganada?
Mengapa itu mempelajari tangganada sulit?
Bagaimana sebaiknya kita mempelajari tangganada?


Banyak guru dan murid yang bertanya-tanya, mengapa mereka harus mempelajari tangganada? Scales is so boring, mathematic, and non-related to the music. Well, menanggapi hal tsb, sebuah nada mungkin bisa digambarkan seperti busana yang dikenakan dalam sebuah event pesta, yakni tangganada. Jenis busana yang kita kenakan itu ditentukan dari apa jenis event pesta dan tempat pesta yang diselenggarakan pula. Jangan sampai kita mengenakan busana (dress code) yang salah (saltum – baca: salah kostum). Ibarat menyanyikan lagu “Happy Birthday in C major” tapi pemain musiknya memainkannya pada tangganada G major. "Wah, wah... kok fals ya? Katanya aliran Jazz? Nah lho... Makanya wajib baca nih!" 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Disney Pianolicious at @america Newsletter

@america Newsletter (March 2013)


It's time to get the facts.
Art Facts is the new home for statistics about Australian arts.