
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Paperman" - Silent Story About Fate & Love Beyond Words


 Short animated film titled “Paperman,” a silent story about fate and love.
Paperman shows how a silent short film could say so much, without a single words.
"an urban fairy tale in a beautiful world of light and shadow" 

Listen to "PAPERMAN" for 2 pianos HERE 

In a world full of both live action and animated shorts, PAPERMAN is sweet and a breath of fresh love. The visuals stun and the cutting edge CGI with animation overlayed on the top with the music make it...well, simply gorgeous. It utilizes both 3D and 2D animation in a bold and beautiful way to tell the story of a guy trying to get the attention of the woman of his dreams. The result is a magical little tale that proves that even in the cold, crushing world of modern New York magic can flourish. 

Paperman on Youtube:

Disney Math Cinderella Infographic


an independent toy store with a mission to inspire tomorrow’s youth to think

Brain Candy Toys 
– located in Bedford, Nova Scotia – 
brings this belief to life every day with an inventory that includes 3D puzzles, science and math kits, hand-crafted cars and trains, as well as a wide selection of teaching aids. 

The campaign is a demonstration of Brain Candy Toys’ mission to keep our kids thinking. 
It takes the classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes we all grew up with, and imagines what they would be like if they were told using math equations instead of words.


SILLY SYMPHONIES - Revolutionizing the World of Animation

Revolutionizing the World of Animation

In 1929 composer Carl Stalling suggested an idea for a new cartoon series to Walt Disney, not based on a central character but on music. Walt seeing the potential of the idea jumped on it, and the Silly Symphonies were born. That were, according to the Walt Disney Family Museum, “more daring, quirkier and more diverse” than anything in the Mickey Mouse series. 

Silly Symphonies was a series of animated short films produced by Walt Disney Productions from 1929 to 1939. The original basis of the cartoons was musical novelty.

The series is mostly remembered as being a platform that Disney used to experiment with different processes, techniques, characters, stories and technologies for which the then-fledgling company could use to refine and perfect its animation style in order to further the art of animation; making the series a key part in aiding Walt Disney's efforts to expand into feature-length animated films.

Among the innovations developed and/or improved upon in the series are Technicolor (full-color) film making, true and believable character animation, special effects animation, and dramatic storytelling in animation. A total of 75 shorts were made between 1929 and 1939 while the studio was located at Hyperion Avenue in the Silver Lake district of Los Angeles.

Walt Disney once said,
“If I can help provide a place to develop the talent of the future,
I think I will have accomplished something.”


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pianolicious Moment on Jakarta Java Kini (JJK) Magazine

- October 2012 -

Read the JJK Magazine - October 2012 in pdf HERE
and click October 2012

October, 7th, 2012
Italian Institute of Culture Jakarta, Menteng 

Directed by 
Jelia Megawati Heru

This piano concert promises to be unlike any you've ever witnessed before.
Piano tunes from classical to modern will feature and promise to ooze pure quality.
And to add even more sparkle, they'll be collaboration 
with Tegal's Shining Stars Enrichment Center.

"Pentingnya Merawat Instrumen" - Artikel Staccato Februari 2013

Artikel Staccato, Februari 2013
Oleh: Jelia Megawati Heru

Bagi musisi, instrumen musik yang mereka mainkan 
merupakan bagian dari identitas mereka, seperti layaknya pakaian yang Anda kenakan. 
Oleh karena itu menjaga kebersihan instrumen musik adalah mutlak perlu. 

Luangkanlah waktu beberapa menit untuk membaca artikel 
tentang pentingnya merawat instrumen musik berikut ini!


• Bagian dari proses pembelajaran instrumen
mengetahui bagian-bagian instrumen, cara merakit/instalasi, tuning, mengetahui problem mekanik instrumen, dan bahkan belajar bagaimana cara memperbaikinya. 

• Cegah kerusakan serius
Menjaga agar instrumen tetap dalam kondisi prima dan tahan lama. Dengan perawatan yang rutin, instrumen Anda akan terhidar dari risiko kerusakan serius (save the money & good investment). 

• Instrumen yang terawat menghasilkan bunyi dan tone yang lebih baik dan bertahan “in tune” lebih lama, serta lebih mudah dibersihkan

• Belajar menghargai properti milik pribadi dan mencintai musik
Pepatah mengatkan “tak kenal maka tak sayang…”

• Berlatih secara lebih optimal


1. Debu, serbuk bunga (pollen), asap rokok, sinar matahari/cahaya lampu langsung

Sinar matahari tidak langsung dapat membantu mencegah jamur dan menguning kunci dalam piano akustik. Jangan bersihkan debu dengan kemoceng, gunakan kain flannel khusus dan produk pembersih khusus instrumen!

2. Perubahan suhu, kelembaban udara, dan kegelapan

Ruangan yang hangat, lembab, serta gelap memungkinkan pertumbuhan bakteri pada instrument (terutama jamur), yang dapat melemahkan kayu internal dan mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia. Suhu kamar yang ideal adalah 21-22 ° C. Tingkat kelembaban yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kayu melengkung, dan kelembaban rendah dapat menyebabkan keretakan pada sound board, sehingga instrumen akan menjadi fals (out of tune) dan sulit untuk disetem (tuning).

3. Keringat, minyak, air, dan jamur

4. Hama pengganggu (rayap dan kecoa)


Berbagi instrumen merupakan hal rutin yang terjadi di beberapa sekolah/institusi, di mana pada saat berlatih siswa menggunakan instrumen milik institusi ybs. Namun ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, terutama dalam hal kebersihan/higienis untuk menghidari risiko terjangkitnya penyakit menular lewat air liur, seperti influenza, TBC, hepatitis B, bahkan HIV (apabila mengalami luka, seperti: sariawan, bibir pecah-pecah, herpes). 

Hal ini tidaklah dapat dipandang sebelah mata, oleh karena itu jelas harus ada protokol dalam bermain musik bersama.

untuk kelas musik (khususnya bagi alat musik tiup)

1. Semua musisi atau siswa harus memiliki instrumen sendiri 
(hindari berbagi instrumen/sharing the same instrument), misalnya: pianika dan rekorder 

2. Semua musisi atau siswa harus memiliki mouth piece dan reeds mereka sendiri 

3. Cleaning up
Apabila instrumen terpaksa harus di-share (terutama untuk instrumen yang langka), maka instrumen harus dibongkar (per bagian) dan dibersihkan dengan baik sebelum dan setelah penggunaan. 
  • Membersihkan dengan sabun, air, alkohol/desinfektan, atau larutan klorin (bahan yang terdapat pada pembersih kaca) bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mencegah penularan penyakit flu, tipus, maupun penularan bakteri lewat air liur.
  • Tissue, alkohol, sabun, cairan pembersih khusus instrumen harus tersedia untuk digunakan antara orang yang berbeda.
  • Gunakan kain khusus yang lembut untuk memoles (polishing) bagian eksterior instrumen untuk menghilangkan debu dan sidik jari
  • Instrumen yang tidak mendapatkan perawatan yang layak dan tidak dibersihkan dengan baik mempunyai bau yang tidak enak dan tidak higienis. Kondisi seperti ini cepat atau lambat akan berdampak negatif pada sistem kerja mekanik instrumen dan menghasilkan bunyi yang tidak artistik
4. Guru musik di kelas harus mengajarkan musisi dan siswanya
  • merakit, menyetel, menginstalasi bagian-bagian instrumen mereka (assembling the instrument) 
  • membersihkan instrumen setelah penggunaan
  • bagaimana cara merawat instrumen sehari-hari
  • bagaimana cara mengosongkan, serta menggosok katup yang tersumbat
  • bagaimana cara menyimpan dan membawa instrumen (Do’s & Don’ts)
  • menginformasikan kerusakan instrumen
5. Perjanjian tertulis pihak sekolah dan peminjam 
(apabila instrumen dibawa pulang untuk berlatih), bahwa pihak peminjam akan merawat, membersihkan instrumen tsb., mengembalikannya dalam keadaan steril dan seperti semula, serta bersedia membayar denda/kerugian (biaya reparasi oleh teknisi khusus) apabila terjadi kerusakan.


1. Jagalah kebersihan instrumen secara rutin, terutama segera setelah pemakaian instrumen. 

Kegiatan membersihkan janganlah ditunda-tunda dalam jangka waktu yang lama, karena selain akan meninggalkan noda yang sulit dibersihkan pada instrumen, kotoran (debu, minyak, keringat, air liur) juga akan mengganggu fungsi mekanik instrumen.

2. Jangan letakkan objek apapun di atas instrumen Anda!

Penempatan objek pada instrumen dalam jangka waktu tertentu akan meninggalkan bekas pada instrumen yang sulit, atau bahkan tidak bisa dihilangkan.

3. Selalu kembalikan instrumen ke tempatnya setelah penggunaan dan dibersihkan untuk mencegah risiko terduduk/terinjak.

4. Bersihkan instrumen dengan telaten, hati-hati, dan perhatikan instruksi cara membersihkannya!
  • Jangan gunakan tissue dan pembersih furniture biasa (Pledge), karena dapat merusak permukaan instrumen (scratch) dan mengubah tampilan warnanya. Gunakan produk pembersih khusus instrumen!
  • Jangan semprotkan produk pembersih secara langsung ke instrumen! Semprotkan cairan pembersih ke kain flannel.
  • Gunakan kain lembut flannel, cairan pembersih khusus untuk instrumen, dan segera keringkan dengan kain flannel lain yang bersih. 
  • Seka sesuai dengan arah serat kayu untuk mencegah terjadinya goresan pada kayu. 
  • Jangan gunakan alkohol pada instrumen dengan bahan kayu, karena akan merusak kilau kayu.
  • Perhatikan tempat penyimpanan instrumen! 
5. Letakkan instrumen pada ruangan dengan temperatur yang stabil, jauh dari sinar matahari/cahaya lampu yang panas secara langsung, kamar mandi, dapur, pintu, jendela, dinding, kipas angin, pemanas ruangan, AC, dan computer (2-4 meter dari instrumen). Pastikan sirkulasi udara yang baik dalam ruangan.
  • Gunakan cover untuk melindungi instrumen Anda dari debu! 
  • Mencuci tangan sebelum bermain instrumen
  • Tidak makan dan minum di dekat instrumen 
  • Check up tahunan dengan ahlinya/professional untuk mendapatkan perbaikan menyeluruh (service, repair, and regulation – double tuning, spare-parts changes)
Take care and love your instrument!
Treated musical instruments sound better and stay in tune longer!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



  • tin cans
  • leather
  • decorative fabric
  • leather laces
  • Crop-a-dile
  • wooden dowel and ball
  • hot glue gun
  • cotton

  1. Cut your fabric to fit around your tin can. Use Elmer's Glue to glue it in place. 
  2. Lay out your leather and trace around your can. Measure 1 inch around the traced circle and draw another circle. 
  3. Use a pen to map out your holes. Use a Crop-a-dile to punch the holes out. If you don't have a Crop-a-dile, you can use a large needle to make your holes. 
  4. Run your leather lace through the holes. Cinch tight over the top of the can. Repeat the same steps for the bottom. Run another leather lace diagonally through the top and bottom laces (see picture below for reference).
  5. Insert your wooden dowel into the wooden ball. Glue cotton all over the ball to create your drum sticks.
  6. Enjoy your adorable new gift! 

 courtesy of: A Beautiful Mess

How To Tie A Bow Tie?

Contrary to popular myth, it is not difficult to tie a bow tie.
Whether you are tying a bow tie or tying a shoe, the steps are the same.
In fact, if you can tie a pair of shoe laces, you can already do it.
The trick, if there is one, is to do it neatly.

Here are some helpful hints if you are learning to tie a bow tie:

1. The widest part of the "bulb" section of your bow tie corresponds with the spot on your tied shoelace where the loop folds back on itself (see diagram below). "Fold wide" because their natural inclination is to fold at the narrow spot. Resist that temptation, and FOLD WIDE instead. 

2. I suggest that you give yourself time to learn to tie your bow tie BEFORE the event for which you will be wearing it.

3. It's easier to learn if you can be in a quiet, well lit room rather than with lots of distractions. This is technical reading you are doing!

4. You must forget everything you know about tying a necktie. Think "SHOE" not "TIE."

The Bow Tie Knot is used to tie a bow tie
and is worn to give you a formal and elegant appearance.
A "black tie occasion" such as a concert is an event that you would commonly wear a bow tie at, along with a tuxedo.

The proper size should never be broader than the widest part of your neck and should never extend past the tips of the shirt collar.


The diagrams below show what you will see in a mirror if you follow the instructions.

Drape the tie around the neck with one end — about an inch and a half longer than the other. One end has to be longer because it will contribute the material which forms the center part of the bow between the two wings.

watch the tutorial video:

another tutorial video:
(without hands getting in the way)

Remember, practice makes perfect!
Good luck, gentlemen! 

Music Alphabet Blocks Printables


Desperate to teach the students about interval, scales, and triads?
Very expensive teaching tools?
Check this out! 

Music Alphabet Blocks 

Cool 3-D shapes to cut out and glue together. Use card-stock for best results.
Easy to assemble, and inexpensive enough that the students can even take them home.
Use them for learning the musical alphabet, steps, skips, intervals, scales, chords,
and anything else you can think of!

Here are some ideas for activities with the music alphabet blocks:
  • Build the musical alphabet, forwards, backwards, and starting on various letters.
  • Practice organizing letters into skips.
  • Practice intervals by picking a block, then finding a block a fourth higher, fifth lower, and so on.
  • Building triads, and changing them from major to minor, then diminished and augmented.
  • Building scales.

Sometimes the kids can be rough on things, especially in the group lesson. 
 So here is some tips to extend their life time:
  • Laminated (just use a craft knife to score the fold lines before you fold them)
  • Place sections of cardboard on the sides that will face in and that lends support to the overall structure of the cube

You can have the cubes in various colors and sizes for group lessons.
Less stress for the music teacher and fun for the students.
Hope it's helpful and enjoyable. Happy teaching!

Download the pattern HERE
courtesy of Layton Music 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to Maintain Digital Piano?



1. Avoid place with a lot of foot-traffic or in direct sunlight, water, and moisture exposure! Like other pieces of furniture, they may expand, crack or fade in direct sunlight. 
  • Don't use the electronic devices near any heat sources (heater, radiator, stoves, computer, and even amplifier) and water! 
  • Clean only with dry cloth! 
  • Put it minimal 4 meters from the direct exposure of the things that have already mention above!

2. Don't plug your digital piano into an outlet that is shared by a microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator or any other major electrical appliance!
Interference from such devices can affect the sound of your piano, or interrupt its operation during high-power cycles. In extreme cases it may even damage the piano, fire, or risk of electric shock to person.

3. Don't operate your digital piano without plugging in through a guaranteed or insured surge suppressor or outlet strip!

4. Don't put any objects on the digital piano!
Don't place your computer or monitor directly atop your digital piano! (unless this use is specifically sanctioned by the piano manufacturer.) Marring the case not withstanding, you will likely change the acoustics and will place stress on the frame. The last thing you want is to develop an unpleasant rattle or buzz because the case on your piano has loosened up.


5. Cover the keys when you are not playing your digital piano
Digital pianos are more susceptible to damage from dust than real pianos. Dust gets into everything, and can cake up on sensors, electronics and other sensitive components. Most current models do have sealed actions, but not their controller boards and sound systems. 

6. Don't leave your digital piano turned on when you are not using it!
Digital piano will be better off if it is turned-off when not in use. When you finish playing your piano, please cover the keys and turn it off!

7. Keep your pets off of the piano!
No birds, cats, ferrets, rats, etc. This is mainly for hair reasons. Even with their sealed actions, pet hair can get into your piano and affect its performance. Either acoustically, by contributing to unpleasant buzz or kazoo affects; or electronically, by wedging into a sensor or by shorting something out. Your pets may inadvertently scratch the surface of the piano, affecting its appearance and resale value.

8. No eating or drinking around or on your digital piano!
Crumbs, grease, sugars, etc, are all bad--very bad!--for your piano. Entry of the water, needles, or hair pins may result in breakdown or short-circuit. The product shouldn't be exposed to splashing or dripping.

9. Don't hit, kick, lean, or pound your piano!
You can damage the action by hitting it with more force than your fingers can reasonably exert. Leaning against the digital piano may cause the product to fall over, resulting the injury. 

10. Wash your hands before playing, but don't insert/disconnected the power cord plug with wet hands!
Sticky, gummy, greasy and/or filthy keys are no fun. Prevent them by washing thoroughly before play. Don't forget to keep your hands dry afterwards to prevent an electric shock!

11. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.

12. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. Always hold the plug, and pull to remove it, when disconnecting the AC power cord's plug!

13. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.

14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Don't disassemble, repair, or modify the product that may result in product breakdown, electric shock, or short-circuit! Service is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way (e.g. power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled, object has fallen into the apparatus, has been exposed to rain/moisture, has been dropped), please don't operate manually!

15. Avoid listening with the headphones long periods of time at high volume levels! Doing so may cause hearing problems. 

!Read and follow the safety instructions before using the products!